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Do You Suffer Headaches and/or Migraines?

Can chiropractic help migraines and headaches?

Unfortunately, headaches are an extremely debilitating condition, and sufferers will often reach for medicated pain relief from their symptoms. If you suffer from headaches, you will know only too well the pain, discomfort, disfuntion and inconvenience they cause.

Headaches are a major health issue in Australia, not only contributing to much imbalance of a person’s family and life quality but possible considerable financial strain as well.

How Chiropractic helps

The Chiropractic approach is to look for the cause, rather than treat the symptoms only. At Hawthorne Chiropractic, we will identify the type of headache you suffer and investigate the underlying cause or causes, before initiating an appropriate care plan for you.

Chiropractic may be a natural and effective solution to gain relief from your headaches. In fact, many of our clients have shared their feedback that Chiropractic has been their ‘last resort’ but happily, also their most effective pain relief.

Types of Headaches

Headaches occur in many different forms, but generally fall into three categories:

Tension headache;
and Cervicogenic headache.

It is important however, to understand that it’s not generally only one factor which contributes to your headache. Addressing diet, exercise, stress and anxiety management is vital along with identifying any musculoskeletal misalignments.

Many adults, and children to a lesser extent, will experience a headache at some point in their life.

Tension Headache

A Tension headache can most commonly be characterized by a feeling of tightness and pressure around the head, with a ‘dull aching’ sensation. There may also be tightness and reduced motion in the neck and shoulders.

Some contributing factors include, but not limited to, spinal misalignments and disfunction, poor posture and muscle tension, including workplace postural habits.

Migraine Headache

The Migraine headache is possibly the most debilitating, and may last a few hours or days, and sufferers are often able to identify reoccurring patterns. Symptoms may include constant and severe throbbing pain (on either one or both sides of the head), nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound and some visual impairment.

Some contributors to the Migraine may include dehydration, sleep deprivation, stress, certain foods and/or additives, substance withdrawal and/or abuse, including medications. It is so important to consult with a Chiropractor for a professional assessment of your particular headache.

Cervicogenic Headache

A Cervicogenic headache is one which usually originates from the cervical (neck) spine, and includes tightness of joints, muscles and ligaments, and impaired movement and flexibility of the neck and shoulders. Long term spinal misalignments, poor postural habits and acute trauma may lead to this type of headache.

Whatever the cause, headaches are a sign from your body that it needs help, and should not be ignored.

How We Help with Headaches

At Hawthorne Chiropractic we will work very closely with you, identifying any work and/or life stress patterns you may be experiencing.

We will also thoroughly explain our professional findings, so that you have a better understanding of what is happening with your body, and how to best manage your symptoms. Unfortunately, many clients present with long term symptoms, having sometimes suffered headaches to varying degrees of severity for many years.

Short and long term relief will be different for each person, and the Chiropractic approach aims to improve spinal and musculoskeletal function to support the body and minimise the triggers which set off headaches.

We use a range of manual Chiropractic techniques including thorough physical spinal examination, and digital x-rays to assist in evaluating any spinal misalignments you may have. We are then able to tailor specific professional recommendations for your individual needs, ensuring you receive the best Chiropractic care using proven Chiropractic techniques.

Each person experiences headaches in different ways and has a different pain tolerance level. It is vital we understand your specific needs. Many of our clients report significant reductions in severity and frequency of their headaches with regular Chiropractic adjustments, and additionally, their feedback of feeling an increase in overall wellness is common.

The spine houses the body’s Central Nervous System, which controls conscious and unconscious movements we make. Any musculoskeletal misalignments will directly influence the nerve supply to all organs, tissues, musculature, and circulatory systems etc. Every imbalance will result in consequences, and our ability to lead a pain free, enhanced quality of life.

Chiropractors work with the spine and nervous system, adjusting and correcting misalignments and restoring the body’s vital nerve supply to ensure optimal function to each and every body system. For many of us, we don’t think twice about servicing our motor vehicles, or maintaining and/or repairing our homes to protect these investments.

A healthy body is our greatest wealth asset. Don’t ignore your body’s message of continued painful headaches. It needs help! 

Contact Hawthorne Chiropractic

If you’re sick and tired of being ‘sick and tired’, then then contact Hawthorne Chiropractic and see if your Headache may be managed and minimised by using a totally natural, drug free, holistic approach.

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